Matka Joanna


The starting point is the story of Jaroslav Iwaszkiewicz “Mother Joan of the Angels” – the story of the possessed nuns, and an exorcist who himself becomes a victim of the mysterious demons. Ivashkevich (as well as Aldous Huxley in book “The Devils of Loudun”) was inspired by the actual event – the story of Loudun possessions.

Directed, Written and Set Design by: Marcin Brzozowski
Costumes: Paulina Ptasznik
Live music: Gęsty Kożuch Kurzu
Cast: Paulina Gałązka, Ewa Łukasiewicz, Marta Jarczewska, Janusz Stolarski, Grzegorz Mikołajczyk, Wacław Mikłaszewski, Adam Kupaj, Konrad Korkosiński, Konrad Eleryk, Krzysztof Rogucki

  • 2013